Category: Rochester

Regenerative Community Development Initiatives for the Greater Rochester Region

Invitation to Join a Learning Journey on Bioregional Organizing

The Design School for Regenerating Earth is launching a six-month learning journey on organizing your bioregion, beginning March 18, 2025. We’re inviting you to join a number of the world’s experts and leading activists in this inspiring and rapidly growing new movement. Join us for a learning journey on organizing our bioregion. We can create…
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Fwd: Please join us on Sunday for Frogs, Climate Change, Hope and

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 On behalf of A = Frog House, I=E2=80=99m pleased to extend this invitation to = you. My = best regards,  Jonathan CloudExecutive Director Possible = RochesterAn initiative of Center for Regenerative Community = Solutions, a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization Possible = Rochester | Possible Planet | = Regenerative =E2=80= =A2 =E2=80= =A2 =E2=80=A2 908-581-8418 = cell…
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THIS WEEK: Possible Rochester GARAGE SALE fundraiser

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Hello, colleagues!! THIS weekend, we=E2=80=99re doing a garage sale fundraiser for the = environment =E2=80=A6 (latest photos!) Possible Rochester = | Possible Planet, a 501c3 not-for-profit = organization Garage = Sale for the Environment Preview sale THIS Thursday = night, Sept 28, 6-8 pm (light = refreshments) FRI, SAT = & SUN  Sept…
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Seeds of Hope — Sunday, September 10, 2023

Seeds of Hope presents Earth Regeneration in Your Own Backyard: Learn about Permaculture and a Food Foreston a Suburban LotAn in-person experiential gatheringfor those in the Rochester areaSunday, September 10, rain or shine12:30-1:30 Plant-based potluck (optional)1:30-3:30 Tour and Program ​Details and RSVP

Moving our Bioregional Learning Center Discussions Forward

We’re moving our Genesee Finger Lakes Bioregional Learning Center discussions to Sundays at 7:30 pm, and expanding the range of community leaders invited to take part.  Details of the event are listed here: And the actual meeting link is here. Please RSVP if you would like to join us.

Interest Grows in Bioregional Learning Center

Interest is growing in the development of a Bioregional Design School / Learning Center for the Genesee Finger Lakes region. Potentially located on a 73-acre campus in Honeoye Falls that was previously a summer camp, the School would be associated with a nature-based fitness, recreation, and educational program for young people that is currently in…
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Verifying Your Subscription

Verifying Your Subscription =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 .moz-text= -html .hse-column-container{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !importa= nt} .moz-text-html .hse-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top}.moz-text-= html .hse-section .hse-size-12{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !impo= rtant} [owa] .hse-column-container{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !importa= nt}[owa] .hse-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top} [owa] .hse-section .hse-size-12{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !imp= ortant} @media only screen and (min-width:640px){.hse-column-container{max-width:60= 0px !important;width:600px !important} .hse-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top}.hse-section .hse-size-12= {max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} }@media only screen and (max-width:639px){img.stretch-on-mobile,.hs_rss_ema= il_entries_table img,.hs-stretch-cta…
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