Invitation to Join a Learning Journey on Bioregional Organizing
The Design School for Regenerating Earth is launching a six-month learning journey on organizing your bioregion, beginning March 18, 2025. We’re inviting you to join a number of the world’s experts and leading activists in this inspiring and rapidly growing new movement.
Join us for a learning journey on organizing our bioregion. We can create a local cohort of bioregional activists with shared understandings and values, practical tools, and powerfyl connections.
This means joining the Design School for $5 a month or $50 a year (and if you can’t afford that, there are scholarships available). To get a sense of the larger vision, you can learn more about the Learning Journey by watching this video, reading this article, or visiting Bioregional Earth.
Through our 501(c)(3) nonprofit parent, Possible Planet, we can support local regenerative projects and initiatives. Possible Planet is the fiscal sponsor for the Design School, the Earth Regeneration Fund, and several other projects nationally and internationally.
We’re committed to learning more about our place in the Genesee Finger Lakes region and working with others to increase resiliency and self-sufficiency in our bioregion. For more information, call Victoria Zelin-Cloud at 908-507-3150.